Terms and Conditions for Asset and Room bookings using the AHSS Resource Booking System.

Updated: March 2021

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all users of this system and must be followed:

1. Borrowing Assets

1.1 Assets will only be loaned to registered and activated staff and students on the Smarthub AHSS Resource Booking System (http://ahess.siso.co/)

1.2 Assets will only be granted to staff and students with a valid student or staff card for the person collecting the loan. The assets are loaned to the named person and remain the responsibility of that person while loaned. You may not borrow equipment on behalf of another person. When working in a group, all other students and staff must also have undertaken the necessary training required, where appropriate.

1.3 All assets on loan under this service must not be used for any commercial activity without prior agreement. For commercial use of any of these assets, please contact future@aru.ac.uk.

1.4 Assets booked for loan must be collected within 15 minutes of the requested loan time. After 15 minutes, the assets will be released from the booking system and made available to others to book.

1.5 If the assets you are borrowing require you to receive training or health and safety advice, you, and each member of your group, must seek the necessary training or advice from the relevant Technical Officer.

2. Returning Assets

2.1 You must return the assets before or up to the date and time given when making the booking.

2.2 You must return the assets in the same condition you borrowed them in.

2.3 You must ensure all accessories; additions and all parts of a loan are included when returning the asset.

2.4 If an asset is capable of storing any data, you must ensure any personal data created or stored with this asset loaned to you is deleted prior to it being returned.

3. Facilities (Rooms)

3.1 When you book a room on the Smarthub AHSS Resource Booking System you may need to consult the relevant Technical Officer regarding access to the room. If a key or code is issued to you, you will be fully responsible for the key or code.

3.2 You must begin using the facilities no later than 15 minutes after the time the booking began. We may cancel bookings for facilities that you do not use within this time.

3.3 Where required, Health and Safety inductions will be provided by the relevant Technical Officers before you are able to book the required facilities. You are expected to use the facilities as directed during these inductions.

3.4 At the end of a booking, all facilities (and/or rooms) you use must be returned to how they were found.

3.5 The facilities are not to be used for personal storage. Items or equipment left unattended are at risk of damage or loss.

3.6 You must return all keys immediately after you have finished using the facilities. Keys should be returned from where they were collected.

4. Restricted Facilities & Assets

4.1 Some facilities and assets require a health and safety induction due to the hazards and risks involved with using them. Technical Officers will provide inductions and training bookable through the Smarthub AHSS Resource Booking System throughout the semester.

4.2 Some facilities and assets may be reserved for named courses or cohorts. These facilities and/or assets will only appear on the Smarthub AHSS Resource Booking System to qualifying individuals. If you require access to restricted facilities or assets, please speak to a Technical Officer.

4.3 Some items may require appropriate risk assessments and booking request forms before collection. These must be completed in advance and reviewed by the relevant Technical Officer. Booking request forms are available through the system.

5. Security of Assets

5.1 You must not leave any borrowed assets unattended at any time. In particular, you must not leave equipment in an unoccupied car, room or other location.

5.2 Where you retain assets overnight, you must store the equipment in a locker or in an occupied locked house.

5.3 If the facilities or assets are either lost, stolen, or damaged while on loan to you, you may be liable to pay for the cost.

5.4 You must immediately inform a Technical Officer to any loss of, or damage to assets we loan to you. If you suspect theft or malicious damage, you must report this to ARU security and the police and provide us with the police incident number.

6. Late Returns Procedure

It is important that you return the assets and vacate the facilities by the date and time agreed so that other students and staff may make use of these. Here is a summary of how we will proceed:

7. Damage or Loss

7.1 We may charge for any loss of or damage to loaned equipment at the current replacement value or repair cost. The Faculty Technical Manager will decide whether to repair or replace the item and may also make an administration charge.

7.2 We will consider as lost any overdue item that is not returned after we have sent you a final overdue reminder. The Faculty Technical Manager will assess the cost of replacing the item and may charge you as a result.

8. Health and Safety

The following rules apply as part of Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and as working practices which are common in working environments. They are to protect you, and those working around you, from working in an unsafe environment and to guard against unprofessional working practices, which contravene Health & Safety at Work.

You will not be allowed to work in a facility or with a piece of equipment without accepting these terms. You can elect to book training with the relevant Faculty Technical Officer on particular equipment, processes and facilities in order to increase your training knowledge.

In all facilities, the following rules apply:

8.1 You must follow all safety procedures and guidelines at all times (including all signage).

8.2 You must familiarise yourself with the ‘traffic light’ system and adhere to it at all times.

8.3 Do not distract someone while they are working.

8.4 Keep the facilities in a clean and tidy manner.

8.5 Always identify slips, trips and falls and implement measures to avoid them.

8.6 Do not block the exits to any facility.

8.7 Where appropriate, keep the facilities ventilated with air conditioning or extraction fans.

8.8 Do not work at height. You must inform a Faculty Technical Officer for any working at height.

8.9 Before you begin working in a facility, familiarise yourself with the fire safety procedures.

8.10 If you are on medication or have a condition that could affect your ability to use the equipment and facilities safely, you must inform the relevant Faculty Technical Officer.

8.11 Any changes to your circumstances that could impact on your ability to work safely within the rules stated in the terms and conditions must be reported to the Faculty Technical Officer.

8.12 If you do not abide by these rules and regulations, then you could be banned from working in any of the AHSS’ facilities.

By agreeing to these terms and conditions you have understood and will abide by the conditions set out above and you will seek training where necessary. You agree to take reasonable care for your own health and safety and of other persons who may be affected by your acts or omissions.

9. COVID-19 Safe Behaviours Community Pledge

We ask that everyone at ARU commits to the following pledge:

9.1 I accept the role that I have to play in making sure that the areas where we live, work, and study are as safe as they can be and understand the importance of modelling safe behaviours in the local community.

9.2 I will follow Government and University guidance related to reducing the spread of Covid-19. 9.3 I understand that this is likely to change regularly, so I will take personal responsibility for ensuring I am up to date with the latest information. Where the course I am studying requires me to follow additional Covid-19 guidance from a professional body I will do this.

9.4 I understand that ARU is a COVID-19 Secure campus and in addition to social distancing measures and hand, and surface hygiene protocols, staff, students and visitors are asked to wear face coverings when in our buildings to further reduce the risk of transmission.

9.5 If I begin to experience COVID-19 symptoms I will report them using the processes agreed within the University, follow guidance to self-isolate and get a test. Further guidance on reporting COVID-19 is available for staff on the Heron and students should use the form available at Ask ARU.

9.6 I will show empathy, respect, and consideration to others. I acknowledge that I may not know other people’s personal circumstances and I understand that I have a responsibility to help maintain an environment in which harassment, bullying, and victimisation are unacceptable. I understand that this pledge sits alongside the University’s policies about equality, diversity and inclusion.

9.7 I know the importance of supporting others, providing friendship and helping people to avoid loneliness and isolation. I will look out for my friends and those I live, learn and work with. If I have a concern about someone, I will raise it with an appropriate person (tutor, line manager, student wellbeing advisors etc.) so that help, and support can be offered.

9.8 I will be inclusive and supportive of those around me. If I see others behaving in a manner contrary to University guidance, I will raise my concerns directly with them in a polite, open and constructive manner. If I feel unable to safely challenge a situation, I will use the process outlined at the bottom of this pledge to raise the concern with specialist staff within the University.

9.9 If I am challenged about my behaviour I will respond in a polite, open and positive manner. I will listen carefully, in order to understand the concern, and change my behaviour appropriately. If I see a situation that is contrary to University guidance, I will remove myself from it as soon as possible, while maintaining the safety both of others and myself.

9.10 I understand and accept that deliberate or repeated breaches of University guidance may be regarded as an act of misconduct and could lead to me being subject to University disciplinary procedures as outlined in University Staff Guide and the Rules, regulations and Procedures for Students.

9.11 If you have a concern about the behaviour of others but feel unable to raise this with them directly, please contact complaints@aru.ac.uk putting “COVID Conduct” in the subject line. We will provide you with support and take the necessary steps to resolve the concern.

9.12 You can also report any concerns about how we are managing COVID-19 risk through the ARU Health and Safety Incident Report Form. We will investigate and ensure that our COVID-19 Secure measures are being followed.

9.13 If the situation is urgent, or you feel that you are at risk of physical and verbal abuse, you can access support from University Security (on-campus) or by calling the emergency services (999) off campus.

Comments and feedback about this Smarthub site should be sent to ahsstechnicalsupport@aru.ac.uk

smarthub terms and conditions of use
As a user of this system registered or otherwise you agree that if for any reason you are unable to use smarthub for the intended purpose then you will contact your store via telephone, email or in person to resolve the problem. SiSo Software Limited are not responsible or liable in any way for any errors, damages or any other loss caused by your usage of this system. For the avoidance of doubt this includes any loss howsoever suffered including negligence or fraud except where such negligence causes death or personal injury.